Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Abbreviations and vacabulary

With 2:

F2F - Face To Face
F2T - Free To Talk?
G2G - Got To Go
U2 - You Too
2 - too 

With 4:

B4 - Before
B4N - Bye For Now
4 - for

With 8:

GR8 - Great
H8 - Hate
L8 - Late
L8R - Later
STR8 - Straight
W8 - Wait

ASAP - As Soon As Possible
B/C - Because
BF - Boyfriend
BFF - Best Friends Forever
BRB - Be Right Back
BTW - By The Way
CU - See You
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FYI - For Your Information
GF - Girlfriend
IC - I See
IDC - I Don't Care
IDK - I Don't Know
IK - I Know
ILY/ILU - I Love You
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
J/S – Just Saying
K - Okay
LOL - Laughing Out Loud -or- Lots Of Laughs
LMAO - Laughing My A** Off
MSG - Message
ORLY? - Oh, Really?
OMG - Oh My Gosh -or- Oh My God -or- Oh My Goodness (for the older crowd)
PLS/PLZ - Please
POV - Point Of View
PPL - People
Q - Question
ROFL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing
R – Are
SOZ/SRY - Sorry
TBC - To Be Continued
TBH - To Be Honest
THX - Thanks -or- Thank you
TMI - Too Much Information
TTYL - Talk To You Later
TY - Thank You
U - You
UR - You Are -or- You're
W/ - With
W/E - Whatever
W/O - Without
WTF - What The F***
XOXO - Hugs and Kisses
Y - Why
YW - You Are Welcome

And for parents:

P911 - Parent In Room
PAW - Parents Are Watching
PIR - Parent In Room
POS - Parent Over Shoulder
PRW - Parents Are Watching
SOS – Someone Over the Shoulder

to keep an eye on - to watch someone or something; to monitor someone or something closely
unattended - not supervised or looked after
to spit - eject saliva forcibly from one's mouth
each other - used to refer to each member of a group when each does something to or for other members: "they communicate with each other in French".
hippies / a hippy - (esp. in the 1960s) A person of unconventional appearance, typically having long hair and wearing beads, associated with a subculture involving a rejection of conventional values and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs

fuck /fək/ - vulgar. Have sexual intercourse with (someone)
fog /fa:g/ - a thick cloud of tiny water droplets that obscures or restricts visibility

By Kate and Ondrej

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